All On Four Implant Technique
(Application of Fixed Teeth on 4 Implants in an edentulous Jaw)
What is the All On Four Implant Technique?
All On Four implant treatment, which is applied to patients with no teeth or advanced gingival and bone recession that requires the extraction of all existing teeth, is a procedure that allows the application of a fixed full chin prosthetic restoration on 4 implants placed by surgical operation.
How is All On Four Treatment performed?
The All On Four implant technique is a procedure that allows the fixation of a dental prosthesis on the same day on four dental implants placed at certain angles in a completely edentulous jaw. The All On Four implant technique can be easily applied by anesthetizing with local anesthesia, as in tooth extraction. It can be applied under sedation or general anesthesia in people with high fear of the dentist, people with extreme nausea reflex and mental retarded individuals.
What are the advantages of All On Four Treatment?
Since advanced operations such as sinus lifting surgery and block bone grafting are not performed, the surgical operation is easier. Since the number of implants used is reduced and does not require additional surgical procedures, the cost is lower and the operation time shorter than traditional dental implant treatment. While implants and dentures are fitted on the same day in the All On Four method, traditional dental implant surgery may require multiple surgeries with a long recovery period between each. The quadruple implant system is also suitable for patients residing outside the country or city, as the number of required treatment sessions is low. Cleaning and maintenance is easier than conventional dental implant fixed dental prostheses. It is suitable for patients who cannot use removable dentures and have nausea reflex.
Will I have pain after All On Four surgery ?
As with any surgical operation, some pain and swelling may occur after the procedure. However, these complaints can be easily controlled with the drugs you will use in accordance 1 with the advice of your doctor and the application of ice to the area.
How will my nutrition be after the All On Four procedure?
You can use your temporary dental prosthesis fixed on dental implants after the procedure. However, in the 3-month period, which is the process of fusion of dental implants and bone, you need to eat a diet that your doctor will recommend to you. After the three-month period is completed, you can feed as you wish with your permanent prosthesis.
Is All On Four a successful procedure?
Large-scale academic studies show that the All On Four procedure is a treatment method with a high success rate in long-term follow-ups.